Instagram post shared by @mattierogersoly

While it’s still not level, at least the back foot and half is almost kind of level. Plus the lip in the mats stops the weights from rolling away now, so that helps. I haven’t figured out how I’ll clean and jerk yet having to use the back 1/3 of the platform only, but I’ll get there. This is the best I can do with what I have for now. That and talking myself through every set. -
Yes, I’ve seen the Olympics will most likely be postponed now. (Pls, tagging me in everything about it is really not helpful. I’m well aware of what’s happening) I’ve been criticized endlessly the last couple days for being upset about this. Been told “it’s just the Olympics”, “stop being selfish”, “get over it”, “pathetic” the list goes on and on. But it’s not “just” the Olympics. It’s something I’ve dedicated every second of my existence to for the last 7 years, all for one day of competition. It’s almost impossible to understand if you’ve never been through all the qualifications and in an olympic position and that’s okay. And I think the biggest misunderstanding is that that’s my concern INSTEAD OF the pandemic. No, it’s in ADDITION to. That’s why the emotions are especially difficult to handle. Shit, I couldn’t even visit my mom on her birthday this weekend because she’s immunocompromised & highly at risk.-
I understand the extent of all this. We’re all in the same boat here. I’ll be honest I struggled immensely today. It’s not the same situation, but it brought back all the same feelings of coming inches away from making the 2016 Olympic team and it being taken at the last second. Being in the top 3 of 3, but not selected. Putting what I needed on the bar, but missing the lift. I never wanted to experience those feelings again, but here we are. Please be kind to one another. Your opinions and feelings are not more important than anyone else’s. We are all going through tough times. We are all struggling. Don’t go out of your way to be an ass. And stay the fuck away from other people so we can get this thing over with. That is all.